Part 46: Bonus Update 1: I Got an A in Blitzkrieg Class (Entrance Exam A Rank)
Bonus Update 1: I got an A in Blitzkrieg Class (Entrance Exam)Welcome back folks, in new and improved clearer visuals!
Now that we can see better, were going to make up for that sorry display from before and ace this mission. Knowing that I likely wont get a chance to re-do the entrance exam, I used my time manipulation abilities (read: savestates) so we can get it right the first time.
The mission is the same as it was the last time, we cant change unit placement, so lets get on with it.
Our main strategy will simply be hauling ass across the training field, because ranking is based on the time it took to do the mission- not how efficiently you did it. A-Rank for the exam is 2 rounds at most, but Ill show you how to do it in 1 round using an adaptable cheese strat.
Music: VC 1 Desperate Fight
I figured since this was a bonus update and rather short, Id link to some Valkyria Chronicles 1 music so you could get a sampling of it if youve never heard it before.
That we will, Avan.
First action is me immediately selecting Cosette. I noted before that the engineer units start with the same AP as scouts, and that's our key to beating this mission so quickly.
Ah, doesn't that look much better? Anyways, we're going to charge forwards.
Running over the hill without taking care of the shocktrooper has Cosette eat quite a few bullets, but since none hit her in the head, she'll be fine.
Using her mobility now is crucial as her frailty will be a hindrance to the next step of this mission.
As you can see here, bullets can manage to do a lot of damage in this game if you keep taking hits. Since this scout isn't crouching, he's going to take a lot of damage as well.
: Enemy down!
Point blank damage hurts a lot, folks. Cosette is nearly down after charging in, and if she'd taken a stray bullet to the head, she probably would have gone down.
Either way, we got what we came for. I go ahead and put Cosette on standby, though she's done for this update anyhow.
Now we put Avan on standby. Again, since he's within range of a flag I own, this doesn't cost anything. We need him now because he runs fast and has a grenade.
: "Okay, let's go!"
And now we can just pop him into the next map. Later on in the game, playing "Standby Pinball" as I call this, is very useful. Constantly hopping fresh units across maps allows you to cover great distances and constantly thwart enemy assaults. You can also call it "Base popping" if you want, it's also a snazzy name. (I'm sure I'm not the first to arrive at this strategy, this is just what I call it.)
Heck, when their AI priorities improve just a bit later in the game, we can use this to manipulate them into wasting their turns as they try and reclaim control of their bases.
For now, let's press the advantage with Avan.
The amount of AP we have left is crucial here, so I make sure to save it by cutting corners as close as possible. We're not going to bother fighting these two guys, so Avan's going to take a few bullets.
As we run out of AP, we meet up with this guy. You'll need to take him down in this action, otherwise you'll end up taking too much damage running past him. The Gallian-1's marginally better accuracy needs to pull through here for me.
Here's to hoping this works!
: "All-right!"
On the first two shots, too! Damn, good on you Avan. That's what we needed.
We take another turn with Avan, the end right ahead of us.
On the way there, I need to make sure I jump at least two sandbags to save AP. Now it's time for the master strat.
Grenades have incredibly short range.
As for you, shocktrooper...
Long story short? Just blast 'em out of range.
(For later missions when you'll need to hold the base, just pop in a shocktrooper and sit them next to a remaining sandbag (if-existing). If not, just pop an armor tech instead, fix the sandbags, and block the camp with them. This is strategy is generally effective on most maps, especially any maps that include reinforcements if you include the above defensive technique.)